1 분 소요

Shape representation

Depth Maps

(NIPS 14’) Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network

  • Loss : Scale Invariant error

$D(y,y^*)={1\over n} \Sigma_i d_i^2 - {1\over n^2} \Sigma_{i,j} d_id_j$

  • Archtiecture: for Multi scale Image [Image]

(ICCV 15’) Predicting Depth, Surface Normals and Semantic Labels with a Common Multi-Scale Convolutional Architecture

  • Problem Definition Input : 2D Image
    Output : Depth Predction, Surface Normal Estimation, Labels(for every pixel)

  • Idea 3 Task at once: Depth Prediction, Surface Normal Estimation, Semantic Segmentation
    Generate directly from input image

  • Limitation

Every task requires a supervised learning. Therefore ground truth value is needed!

  • Loss

Of course, 3 different tasks have task specific loss!

Depth : Scale Invariant Loss Again!
Surface Normal :
$L_{normals}(N,N^) = - {1\over n} \sum_i N_i\cdot N_i^ = -{1\over n} N\cdot N^$
$N$ : predicted normal vector map
$: ground true normal vector map

Calculate normal vector component at (x,y,z): from 1 channel into 3 channel!

Semantic Lables
$L_{semantic}(C,C^) = -{1\over n} \sum_i C_i^\log (C_i)$

Pixelwise softmax classifiers!

  • train

Supervised learning! Every task use supervised learning

  • Architecture : Multi-scale


How to deliver gradiient(updates) for every scale-specific network?

Key is that how to train whole network. For now, it is natural to use an input as the previous layer output.

Voxel Grid

(CVPR 15’) 3D ShapeNets: A Deep Representation for Volumetric Shapes

  • Problem Definition

Input : 2D Image + Depth value
Output: Shape Completion

  • Idea Train generic shape representation
    Geometric 3D shape as a ** probabilistic distribution of binary variable** on a 3D voxel grid

  • Limitation

Binary representation of 3D is large and sparse. Scalability might be problematic.

  • Loss

  • Train

  • Downstream task

Because it is a probabilistic model, there are somewhat different inference process!

  • Architecture: Convolution for reducing parameters

Point Cloud

  • Problem Definition

  • Idea

  • Limitation

  • Loss

  • train

  • Architecture


Implicit surface

View Synthesis


Dynamic NeRF

Generalizable NeRF

