1 분 소요

“Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks”이란 논문에 대한 리뷰입니다.

원문은 링크에서 확인할 수 있습니다.


  • Explicitly modelling the interdependencies btw the channels of conv layer
  • Squeeze: aggregating feature map  produce embedding of global distribution of channel-wise feature response
  • Excitation: self-gating mechanism for collections of per-channel modulation weights
  • Acts like attention which bias the allocation of computational resources toward the most informative components and in SENet, use spatial and channel attention.


  • Squeeze
  • RQ: learned filters operate with a local receptive field being unable to contextual information outside of this region
  • Robust to the operator, Maxpool or AvgPool.
  • Excitation
  • RQ: capture channel-wise dependencies
  • capable of learning a nonlinear interaction btw channels
  • learn a non-mutually-exclusive relationship to ensure that multiple channel’s are allowed to be emphasized
  • At the earlier layers, distribution across different classes is similar because they share feature channels in early stage
  • As deeper, the value of each channel becomes much more class-specific where the diversity of representation within a single class arises resulting in instance-specific response


  • Role at different depths
  • In early layer, it excites informative features in a “class-agnostic” manner
  • In later layer, in a highly “class-specific” manner

  • Information flow
  • In original CNN-based model structure, channel dependencies are implicitly embedded in filters where the local spatial correlation is captured by kernel
  • In SE block, squeeze step explicitly modelling global information and excitation step recalibrate filter response

  • Deepening the layer, use two Linear layer with dimension reduction and extension using nonlinear activation
