최대 1 분 소요

This contents is based on Lecture of link

Basically, set interface has following properties.

  • Each item has a unique key
  • This is a dictionary @ Python.
  • $u$ means the size of numbers(or largest key!)


Set Interface should support following operations


Data Structure


(Unordered) Array

Searching which is find(k) is $O(n)$ in the case of $k$ is located at the last index!

For dynamic operations, which is insert/delete function, it is amortized $O(n)$

Sorted Array

This array is build being organized by key

  • “organizing”(or sorting) takes $O(n\log(n))$!
  • Once we build it, other operations are much faster.

Searching operation is $O(\log(n))$ by binary search!

  • find(k) and find_prev/find_next time complexity is same.
